As any of my family members or close friends can probably tell you, I'm a true blue Introvert at heart. When faced with the option of being around a ton of people or being by myself, I'll choose being a hermit hands down. But it's not good for me and, over the years, I've tried to push myself out there more... become more social and more open to the experiences that only other people can offer me. The down side to busting open part of my cozy shell is now, when left to my own devices for too long, I start to get a little stir crazy. And going stir crazy can lead me into several directions... usual that means I'm gonna be a grumpy bum up in my room and pout. And other times, I catch onto unusual whims to where I'm actually, slightly, productive. I've been hashing out a better version of my resume which is a biggie because I NEED TO STOP BEING A LAZY SPOILED BRAT AND GET A REAL JOB!!!
I also was able to play around with my camera yesterday when the sun was (GASP) actually shinning! I'm a sucky photographer but I still love it. I don't have a great camera and half my pictures aren't focused in the way I want... but it still makes me happy to get out there and take pictures of nature at it's finest... not to mention act like a paparazzi around my friends and take so many pictures of them that their facebook pages are flooded with tags and comments the following day. When I was younger I used to hoard random knick knacks in my room... most of which probably looked like scraps of trash but I could pick them up and tell you the reason behind all of them even years later. I'm slowly getting out of that habit because I really do hate being a pack rat... but then the magic of technology was opened to me and now I can store millions of memories and share them with everyone as well through pictures, videos, songs, and my own ramblings.

I suppose it goes along with my nature of wanting to remember ever moment... because, as lame as it sounds:
Every moment is a life changing one.